Putting expression into your playing

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Putting expression into your playing

Postby Hugh-AR » 20 Aug 2019 01:18

If you are reading this, you may think that I am referring here to controlling volumes in say a classical piece. When you are playing a 'classical' piece you may very well see these symbols in the sheet music you are playing from.

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The 'open' end should be played louder than the 'closed' end; so the first symbol indicates that the music should get LOUDER as you proceed to the right; and the second symbol means you should get QUIETER as you proceed to the right.

Now if you have an expression pedal, you can of course use it in this way. Here is a YouTube video by Peter Hayward explaining this very concept.

Using the Expression Pedal - Electronic Organ

But this is not what I am on about at all in this Topic.
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Re: Putting expression into your playing

Postby Hugh-AR » 20 Aug 2019 10:31

In the example above, it is the volume of the whole organ that is being controlled. But with some keyboards you can get the expression pedal to just control one section of voices, as in this example (a very short clip, and not too obvious as to what he is doing).

Expression pedal controlling strings volume

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Re: Putting expression into your playing

Postby Hugh-AR » 30 Aug 2019 15:35

So what am I on about in this topic? It's how the notes themselves come over when they are played.

When I was in that Scottish Country Dance Band in Scotland, the accordionist (Andy Hay) used the following technique to make his playing sound 'alive'. He used to have the accordion amplified and would play sitting down, with the accordion on his left knee .. and stamp his left heel on the ground in time to the music. This had a remarkable reaction on the bellows of the accordion and gave the music a sort of "lift". This has got nothing to do with playing a piece 'softer' or 'louder'. He wouldn't, of course, have got this effect by playing the accordion standing up. You can't do anything like this with a keyboard or an organ!

But with an organ or a keyboard you do have an 'Expression Pedal' (if you don't have one for your keyboard, you can get one). I once knew an organ/keyboard music teacher who used to drop by and play my AR80 organ. He used to play it and get the organ to sound very much like that piano accordion. An 'emphasis' on the notes he played that gave the organ a sort of a 'lift'. I noticed that he was doing something with his foot on the expression pedal, so asked him what it was he was doing. He said he didn't know, as he was doing it 'automatically'. Once he had to think about what it was exactly he was doing he found he couldn't do it any more! It took him about 10 mins to 'switch off' and get back into auto mode again. "Don't you ever ask me that question again!" he said.

I found out later that when he had started 'playing out' at a Pub, he would press that expression pedal down at the beginning of every bar and gradually move it back. So that emphasised the first beat of the bar. Until the Landlord told him to stop doing that as it was doing his head in!

So what was he doing, exactly? I think this video of the Hammond organ being played shows how this technique is applied. Watch how he moves his foot as he plays. A sort of slight 'push down' and then immediately, a 'kick back'. This gives the music 'lift'. Particularly on Hammond organ sounds. You don't have to listen to all of it .. it goes on for about 20 mins!

Hammond XK-5 Organ - All Playing, No Talking with Toby Lee Marshall

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Re: Putting expression into your playing

Postby Hugh-AR » 30 Aug 2019 15:56

In case you are wondering what all this is leading up to ... YES, we do have a Member who does this action on the expression pedal and gives a 'lift' to his music. And that is Jon D. Maybe you haven't noticed him doing this before, but if you concentrate hard you can clearly hear that 'lift' he has to his music. Whatever you do, don't ask Jon what it is he is doing with his foot!

I'm Looking Over A Four Leafed Clover played by Jon D
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Re: Putting expression into your playing

Postby Hugh-AR » 01 Sep 2019 22:48

Here are a few more by Jon where he is using the expression pedal, but this time using it more as a volume control for various parts of the song.

The World Is Waiting For The Sunrise
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I Fall To Pieces
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Wrap Your Trouble In Dreams
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This is what I said about these piece at the time:
Jon. You have got that expression pedal working 'to a tee' which gives that 'bounce' to everything you play.

On an organ you automatically have an 'Expression Pedal' as it is part of the organ. Does a keyboard automatically come with an expression pedal? Or is this an 'extra' that you have to add? I reckon you need one on a keyboard in order to get 'life' into your playing. ??? :roll: :roll:

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Re: Putting expression into your playing

Postby Hugh-AR » 03 Jul 2021 12:07

Here's another example of Jon using his volume pedal to give 'expression' to his music. A slow piece this time (a Waltz) so it is more obvious what effect the volume pedal is having. Without using it, the piece would sound technically perfect, but would be 'lifeless'.

When Irish Eyes Are Smiling / Come To The Ball
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Re: Putting expression into your playing

Postby Hugh-AR » 25 Aug 2021 11:10

Another example of putting expression into your playing .. by Jon Davis again.

Love Me Tender
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This is what I said about this piece:
What can I say? You are an inspiration to us all. Love the way you 'syncopate' the melody. What you play is unique to you. And then when you play things you use your expression pedal (volume pedal) to give your music a 'lift'. How you use this is what makes your music so 'alive'. As I said, you are an inspiration to us all.

Seems to me there are two sorts of players. There are those that turn their keyboards on, pop the music up in front of them and rigidly play what they see in front of them with no appreciation of what they are playing; and others who are able to convey atmosphere to what they play. The latter are the true musicians.
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Re: Putting expression into your playing

Postby Hugh-AR » 17 Nov 2021 00:08

Here's another example of using the expression pedal to put 'life' into the music .. again by Jon D!

Wonderland by Night
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Here's the comment I posted:
Another great bit of playing by you. Probably because this one is a bit slower, I have picked up something that I am always on about. You can hear quite clearly that you are using your expression pedal. This is what gives 'life' to your music. Organists like myself are used to using an expression pedal because it's part of the organ, sitting just above the foot pedals. But with keyboards you have to deliberately decide to get one and use it. I listen to so many keyboard players who don't use an expression pedal. They don't consider it's necessary to have one, so having one is very low on their list of priorities .. and they play their keyboards flat out from beginning to end, which makes everything sound very 'automated'. It's like talking with no expression in your voice. I reckon we can all learn something from you!

I would like to include some examples of using an expression pedal in performances by other players. Any ideas where to find some?
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Re: Putting expression into your playing

Postby Hugh-AR » 17 Nov 2021 01:15

Found one! Used very effectively by an organist .. of course .. as they have an Expression Pedal (Volume Pedal) built in.
Listen in particular to how he uses his expression pedal to give a lift to the music when he changes the beat at 1:04.

Mike Reed plays "Yesterday" on the Hammond Organ
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Re: Putting expression into your playing

Postby Hugh-AR » 01 Dec 2021 15:24

A toss-up as to where to put this next one. Jon Davis (Jon D) again, playing Winter Wonderland. Interpreting a piece of music you play (definitely this) .. but without using the Expression Pedal (Volume Pedal) it would not have the WOW factor that it has. So I shall put it in both.

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Re: Putting expression into your playing

Postby Hugh-AR » 16 Jan 2022 01:42

I suppose that in playing an organ for nearly 30 years I am used to having an 'Expression Pedal'. All organs have one. I have one on my Tyros 4 (but it's called a Volume Pedal) and have my foot permanently on that and use it as I play. I cannot imagine how anyone could play a keyboard without one as it's using this that creates the 'mood' of the piece being played.

Here's another example of putting 'expression' into a piece of music .. in this case a 'slower' piece. JonD again.

Take Good Care Of My Baby

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Re: Putting expression into your playing

Postby Hugh-AR » 15 Jun 2022 16:35

Another example of Jon D using his Expression pedal. Sorry, but I can't find any other keyboard player that does this. Listen to how Jon once again gives that 'lift' to his music.


This was the comment I made under the music he posted:
What I love about your music is the way you use that Expression pedal (Volume pedal) to give what you play a 'lift'. This is a technique that few people even try to master. Most people regard the expression pedal as a means of playing certain sections of the music 'quietly' .. and some sections 'loudly' (as you would do when playing classical music). But your technique is to move the expression pedal slightly downwards and then bring it sharply back continually, as the mood takes you.

When you are round at one of JohnT's evenings perhaps you can get someone to take a video of what you do to get this effect?

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Re: Putting expression into your playing

Postby barwonfan » 16 Jun 2022 00:29

Hugh-AR wrote:I suppose that in playing an organ for nearly 30 years I am used to having an 'Expression Pedal'. All organs have one. I have one on my Tyros 4 (but it's called a Volume Pedal) and have my foot permanently on that and use it as I play. I cannot imagine how anyone could play a keyboard without one as it's using this that creates the 'mood' of the piece being played.

Thank you, Hugh for alerting us to features that we could take advantage of. I want to improve my playing, but don't often venture into new territory (stay on my own dung hill). I have had a Yamaha FC7 pedal for about 5 years, but never got around to plugging it into my PSR 970. I would very much like to be able to increase and decrease the volume.
I assume that it will work. I will try to-day. J.T.
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Re: Putting expression into your playing

Postby Hugh-AR » 27 Jun 2022 13:40

Looking again at the basic use of an expression pedal, here is a very good example of how to give your piece character by increasing/decreasing volumes as the mood takes you. This piece has been played on an EL70 organ by Ken Shipton (kens).

Forgotten Dreams


This is the comment I made:
Just beautiful! One of the best you have played! So much expression in there .. and lovely choice of instruments.

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Re: Putting expression into your playing

Postby Hugh-AR » 04 Sep 2022 21:55

Now here's another example of using an expression pedal to good effect .. this time on a slower piece. Jon Davis (Jon D) playing Sunshine Of Your Smile. This time Jon's objective hasn't been to give 'lift' to his music (which is what he does with his faster pieces) but literally to put some 'expression' into what he is playing.

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And another 'slow' one played by Jon. Marta / With These Hands.

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So often, keyboard players don't use an expression pedal .. and their music comes out 'dead pan'. Jon is an example to us all!
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