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Postby NativeAngels » 27 Nov 2017 01:03

What process do you go through when creating registrations for your songs ? How many registrations do you use per song ?
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Re: Registrations

Postby Brian007 » 27 Nov 2017 08:37

Hi James,

Just depends but on average mine are 3 or 4

1 for 1st verse
1 for 2nd verse
1 for chorus
1 for instrumental or pre chorus

so as you can see it pretty much depends on the individual song

Hope that helps a little

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Re: Registrations

Postby andyg » 27 Nov 2017 20:45

It depends entirely on the tune, of course. I have a couple of pieces on the desk now that only need two, alternating between them at two points. I'm following the original orchestral score in both cases and the pieces are not that long.

If we take a tune in 'Standard Song Format', ie. A A B A, then we'd really need four, one for each part. If we introduce repeats, like A A B A B A, then five or six. But there may be an intro and and ending part to tack on as well, so eight is easily possible.

More complex pieces will need more, I've used all twelve pistons on the Roland AT900 many times (or 16 on the Yamaha AR100 or EL series), often using one piston more than once. And on occasions, I've used two banks, so a maximum of thirtytwo!

Bottom line is that there is usually that minimum four, but the maximum is as many as is needed to convey the tune to your liking!

It goes without saying that you need to use Registration Memories / Panel Memories / Presets / Pistons (call them what you like!) for this and that you preferably change between them with a foot switch if the hands are busy! What did we do without them? Answer - work ruddy hard, hand registering to get all the necessary changes in. :)

Now, as for the process.... assuming that you're au fait with the technical aspects of creating and storing the registrations, here are two possibilities (among many!).

1) The gradual build up. Part A: Start 'small' with a solo instrument. If the music asks for two notes, just play one, as I've yet to see a polyphonic trumpet. Part B: Add a second instrument. Part C: Switch to something bigger, piano and strings, maybe. Final Part A: Add more, perhaps add organ to those strings and piano.

2) The pyramid. Parts A, A and B can build up as above, but the Final Part A would drop back down to the starting sound, or perhaps drop to the second sound and then drop to the first.
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Re: Registrations

Postby Hugh-AR » 28 Nov 2017 00:08


Very good advice. I like both your 'Gradual build up' and your 'Pyramid' approaches. As you say, it depends on the song, and what you want to hear.

And Brian's advice, to use a Registration for a verse, then change if for the next one or for a chorus, is good advice too. Of course, if you were playing a piano, the 'voice' would stay the same throughout, but you would change the way you played.

I once knew an organist, also a music teacher, who got himself a keyboard .. and came to play for us at our organ club. I don't know whether he was trying to impress us, or what, but he changed Registrations every few bars. We must have heard every instrument going by the time he reached the end of what he was playing. Did my head in!

If you are using a Style (with a rhythm) you may very well want to use a few of those Registration Memory Buttons in a very subtle way .. not to change the registration as such, but to change the 'tempo' of the rhythm. Unless you are playing strict 'dance tempo' it's quite nice to be able to alter the tempo to suit the mood of the music at particular times. A real 'live' drummer would feel with the music and slow down and speed up with you. There are several pieces I play where the only change is the tempo, to slow it down gradually two or three times .. and then speed it up again.

Then of course, if you are an organist there are the 'Drawbars'. It is never a good idea to move those 'on the fly'. Better to set the drawbars up with the sounds you want to hear, put them into Registration Memories and then select them from there. The Tremolo Fast/Slow can (and should) always be done 'on the fly'.

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Re: Registrations

Postby Brian007 » 28 Nov 2017 09:18


I think the key word here is variety , change them as required Then I usually about every 8 bars press the registration
button I am using again and with auto fill on you can get a little drum fill and keeping on using the same registration
this is on a keyboard with auto accompaniment on.

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Re: Registrations

Postby NativeAngels » 28 Nov 2017 12:51

When you have so many sounds at your finger tips do you find Yourself homing in on the same sounds ?
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Re: Registrations

Postby Brian007 » 28 Nov 2017 13:31

Hi James,

This is one of the things I have found also, I favour certain instruments and keep going back to them
but I am having to find out which are my favorite instruments on the Korg , so a way to go yet.

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