Video BLOCKED by YouTube

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Video BLOCKED by YouTube

Postby Hugh-AR » 14 May 2022 17:28

Now that I have this video making program from NCH Software (VideoPad) I really enjoy creating videos to go up on YouTube. Occasionally I do one for other Members too, and when Bev Harrison entered Nightbirds in the May Challenge I thought I would do a video to go with that. I looked on for birds flying around at night .. but had the wrong type of birds! She told me the story is about flying from place A to place B and attending night clubs at place B.

OK. Looked easy enough to find some suitable clips from I use this site (as well as as they advertise the clips on their website as being Royalty Free, and can be used for any purpose (including Commercial use).


So I was looking for boarding an aeroplane; taking off; flying over the city; landing; and ending up at a night club.

Went well, and to me the video I had put together looked great. So late last night I uploaded it to YouTube. The Copyright checks were completed and then YouTube came up with ...

"Video cannot be seen or monetized. Copyright holder's policy: Blocked in all territories."

They also told me this was not a 'Strike' and my YouTube status was unaffected.

I knew that the piece Bev had played was from 1982 and was originally performed by Shakatak. Usually the original performers allow you to show your video, but you cannot 'Monetize' it. Adverts are put on your video and the Copyright holder gets the revenue.

So I looked into it further and discovered that the 'blocking' of the video was nothing to do with the actual music at all! It was all to do with the clip of the aircraft 'landing' which I had got from Apparently this had been taken at an aircraft training centre at Hubli (officially known as Hubballi), a city in the Indian state of Karnataka. Sensitive footage of the airport then! Obviously trust that people uploading to their website have the required permissions for what they are filming. And this person did not!

Here below is a screenshot of the message I got on my video:


So I have DELETED the upload, will remove the offending section and replace it with a different clip of an aircraft landing.

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Re: Video BLOCKED by YouTube

Postby Brian007 » 15 May 2022 12:18

Hi Hugh,

Thats really interesting and such a shame after all the work you put in on it, first time I have heard of this happening. Certainly never happened to me? Copyright claims are par for the course when posting covers of popular music but this is a whole new level.

Maybe have a look at whats already been posted on Youtube in the CC section ( reuse allowed ) and download it and take any bits from there you may need and as it has already been posted on Youtube there should not be a problem

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Re: Video BLOCKED by YouTube

Postby Hugh-AR » 15 May 2022 14:43

Thanks for your suggestions Brian. As youi say, it's one thing to have a Copyright claim on the music we are playing (we expect that!) but a new ball game when they have a go at the video you have done. I have been able to follow this up, so read on ... !!

You can look at this video clip of the aircraft landing too, as it hasn't been blocked by Pexels.

This LINK will take you to the page where it is (I had done a SEARCH on for 'Aircraft Landing').

By finding and clicking on the Pexels picture it will load. Below is a screenshot of the picture.


Or you can go to it directly by clicking on this LINK:

Top right of the picture it says Free download and a drop-down arrow for you to choose the quality of the pictures.


Top left is the author of the video clip ..


.. and if you click on his name (German Korb) it will take you to his page. He lives in Montreal.


By going to that YouTube URL showing at the bottom I have been able to contact him directly and let him know what has gone on. I have had a Reply from him saying:
Hello Hugh,

Thank you for letting me know about this issue. This clip was shot by me and is distributed through pexels for free. Are you able to dispute this claim?

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Re: Video BLOCKED by YouTube

Postby Hugh-AR » 15 May 2022 15:06

Then another thought occurred to me, so I sent him this:
Hi German,

Reading between the lines (as they say) I am wondering if it was the Pilot Training School who have told YouTube to BLOCK the clip of the aeroplane landing .. or are you the Copyright holder and it is you who is preventing your clip from being used on YouTube. Presumably as you took the video clip then you are the Copyright holder they are referring to?

In that case, maybe I should upload my Nightbirds video up into YouTube again and dispute it? Then they would contact you to ask if you will allow a video clip downloaded from Pexels as a 'FREE to use' video clip to be used as such?

Best wishes,

Hugh (Wallington)

And I have had this from him in reply:
Hi Hugh,

I think what's happening here is they used the footage in their own video and created a Content ID with YouTube that recognizes and blocks other users attempting to use the same clip. I contacted that pilot training school to have the copyright claim removed or I will take further action to take them down. Try to upload the same video again and manually dispute the copyright claim and provide the link to my pexels page.

Thank you,


So will do that now and let you know what happens.

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Re: Video BLOCKED by YouTube

Postby Brian007 » 15 May 2022 15:53

Hi Hugh,

Gets more interesting as it goes on this one, I am intending to start to make a few videos myself for my music so its one to watch out for.
What amazes me is how Youtube can check all the uploads it gets in a day as there must be thousands, yes it may well be automated but
some one will have to keep fine tuning the software and making sure nothing slips through, mammoth task

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Re: Video BLOCKED by YouTube

Postby Hugh-AR » 17 May 2022 00:08

I have uploaded my video again and it has come up with the same. Your video has been BLOCKED. Copyright owner's policy: Blocked in all territories.

When looking further into the Copyright claim one of the options was to Dispute the claim. So I have chosen to do that. Why? Nothing like a bit of excitement in life! And we all want to know how this is all going to end up .. don't we?

In the form I had to fill in I have put the following:

The footage of the aircraft landing was taken by German Korb in 2020 (?) and put up on as a FREE Download with permission to be FREELY used, including for commercial purposes. Looks as though the Flying Training Center in Hubli have used this same FREE to use clip and are now claiming it as their own. Here is the LINK to the original footage on, which clearly states the footage can be freely used.

The email address of the TRUE Copyright Holder is ******** (German Korb's email address here). I have been in contact with him and he has given me his personal permission to use the clip in my video. I suggest you contact German Korb directly about this as it is he who took the footage and it is therefore he that is the true Copyright Holder of this footage.

A screenshot of the form just before I clicked on SUBMIT is below.


Note that it doesn't say who the Claimant is!

Another two things that popped up before the form actually went.

1. I had to tick a box that said that if I made a fraudulent dispute then my YouTube Channel might be permanently DELETED with all the videos in it.
Not making it easy for you, are they?

2. I also had this message pop up:


If YouTube doesn't review Content ID disputes, does that mean that the claimant acts as judge and jury?

More to come, I'm sure!
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Re: Video BLOCKED by YouTube

Postby Hugh-AR » 17 May 2022 18:52

Dispute has gone off to the Claimant. PDF of email from YouTube is below.

If the PDF does not show, refresh the page (you may have to do this a couple of times).

Only now do we get the name of the Claimant .. SunNetwork. So not the Pilot Training Center in Hubli then? And who are SunNetwork when they are at home?
From Wikipedia:
Sun TV Network is an Indian mass media company headquartered in Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India. It is a part of Sun Group and is one of Asia's largest TV networks. Established on 14 April 1992 by Kalanithi Maran, it owns a variety of television channels in multiple languages and radio stations in multiple languages.

So it's their footage? You can see from the PDF document that SunNetwork have 30 days in which to release their copyright claim; or they can choose to uphold it and the claim will remain active on my video. Judge and jury then. I shan't be taking them to court to dispute it!

On the other hand, they may not take any action within that 30 days. This is what German Korb has to say about it.
SunNetwork has 30 days to respond to your dispute. Let's see what they say about that. If they don't respond within the time frame, your video will be automatically approved.

Checking up on my YouTube page it says this:


28 days to go then. Reading the above it would appear they might let my video be seen within 48 hours? I'll check back another day to see if anything has changed.

As far as my YouTube Channel Status is concerned it still says this:


Walking on a tightrope?

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Re: Video BLOCKED by YouTube

Postby Brian007 » 18 May 2022 07:26

Hi Hugh,

This is one of the things that made me less interested and inclined to create videos. Once over, Youtube was simply a place for people to showcase their videos. But now its become a source of income for a growing number of unscrupulous individuals that want to make money out of someone else's hard work, and for Youtube they are basically not interested as it's just unnecessary work for them.

Good luck sorting it out,

All the best, Brian007
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Re: Video BLOCKED by YouTube

Postby Hugh-AR » 19 May 2022 22:23

The 'Nightbirds' MP4 video I had put together for Bev Harrison was 94MB, so not something one could send to anybody by Email attachment (about 10MB max). To send large files to other people I use Google Drive. You get 15GB of FREE storage, and an individual upload can be up to 10GB. The sort of files we do for Music with Movies are always under 100MB = 0.1GB .. so plenty of storage available on there then!

Google Drive behaves rather like Box. You upload your file (takes a while, so you have to wait for it both to 'upload' and then to 'show' on the screen). You then get a SHARE LINK which you have to set to 'Anybody with the LINK can view', basically meaning that anybody with the LINK can watch and download without having to have a Google Drive Account. Otherwise it will only be one person you specify who can view, and only from their Google Drive Account.

So I have sent the Nightbirds video to German Korb and told him he has my permission to use it however he wants to. He has downloaded it and put it into his own YouTube Channel, and says this:
Hugh, Thanks for keeping me in the loop. I also uploaded the same clip on my YouTube channel and got a copyright claim. I submitted the form to dispute the claim and provided the proof that the footage is mine. Need to wait for 30 days for the claimant's response.

With regard to my own 'dispute' with SunNetwork, YouTube have now removed the red Blocked symbol so it is now grey. But my video is still 'Private'. This means that anyone I choose can now see the video .. Privately. I would have to send them the YouTube LINK by email, and they could view it by logging in to their Google Account. And of course I have been able to watch the video myself on YouTube for the first time.

25 days to go to the end of the dispute.


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Re: Video BLOCKED by YouTube

Postby kens » 20 May 2022 09:36

Getting to the interesting point. Good luck. Ken S.
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Re: Video BLOCKED by YouTube

Postby Hugh-AR » 20 May 2022 23:05

I have said this to German Korb:
The Members of my Forum are also watching all this with baited breath as they, like me, are always using Copyright material .. in the form of the songs we play on our keyboards. We are not 'composers' of new music wanting to get into the music scene. We are always playing songs that were hits by entertainers of the past, and enjoy playing our own interpretation of them. We are used to being told we are playing Copyright material. The normal procedure is for YouTube to tell us that the Copyright holder has given their permission for our video to be shown, but adverts will be placed on it and the revenue will go to them. But none of us have ever had a situation where the video part we have done has been challenged for Copyright. This is because we all use and to source material for our videos, who say their downloads are Royalty FREE and can be used in any situation, including for commercial use. Until my latest video containing your clip of an aircraft landing!

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Re: Video BLOCKED by YouTube

Postby Hugh-AR » 31 May 2022 22:12

Next episode in this saga. I have now heard from YouTube and my dispute has been REJECTED by SunNetwork (see PDF below of email from YouTube). So my video has gone from being Private back to being Blocked, My Channel status remains unaffected.

If the PDF does not show, refresh the page (you may have to do this a couple of times).

So I have no option now but to go back to the drawing board ie. re-load my clips into VideoPad and replace the clip of the aircraft landing with another one. I found another one on by the same person, German Korb. He had this to say about this clip:
The other clip you found on pexels is also great. I remember walking in the cold for 30 minutes with all my camera gear to get that footage. That footage is priceless because it's impossible to make it again since the access to that location is closed.

Having re-done the video I have uploaded it to YouTube .. and no problems with Copyright this time .. either for the video clips or the musical content. "No issues found." The video is here:

Do a right-click to open this up in a New Tab.

As I have already mentioned, German Korb also uploaded my original video to YouTube and got his video blocked too. I'll let you know what happens with his 'dispute'. After all, he is the person who took the original footage, so he is the rightful copyright holder .. I am not!
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Re: Video BLOCKED by YouTube

Postby Hugh-AR » 01 Jun 2022 22:17

Sorry, had that wrong. German Korb just put his own clip of the aircraft landing up on YouTube and had a Copyright claim on that .. which he disputed as that was a clip he had taken. I have now heard this from him:

Hugh, I received the same email this morning from YouTube, but then I decided to appeal and warned SunNetwork to take legal actions for stealing my video and claiming that it's theirs. About 30 minutes later I got another message saying that SunNetwork had released the copyright claim. Here's the message:

Hi G Korb,

Good news! After reviewing your dispute, SunNetwork has decided to release their copyright claim on your YouTube video.


I had wondered at this point if I should try uploading my original video of Bev's Nightbirds again, but German Korb said:
If you reupload the same video, it might get a copyright notice again, because SunNetwork released the claim against my video only. I don't think they removed the Content ID yet. However, I did ask them to remove the Content ID globally. SunNetwork is a huge company based in India. Dealing with Indian companies asking them to remove the Content ID will not yield much results. Unfortunately, digital content is easy to steal and claim the copyrights.

So my original video will probably never get the light of day and I have decided that Bev should post my re-make of the video with a different clip of an aircraft landing (also put on by German Korb). That is now up in Music with Movies, here:

Do a right-click top open this up in a New Tab.

I have been looking at German Korb's YouTube Channel ..

Do a right-click to open this up in a New Tab.

.. and have noticed he has YouTube clips that are Copyright and Royalty FREE for people to use. Scroll down quite a way and look for FREE STOCK FOOTAGE across the bottom of the video. Ideal for us to put keyboard music to! Brian007 has already brought up the idea of using YouTube clips in our videos. YouTube videos that allow this are called Creative Commons Videos. I shall be starting a NEWTOPIC about this rather than looking at these ideas here.

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