Orla GT9000 GLX2


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Orla GT9000 GLX2

Postby ken horton » 05 Feb 2018 17:59

Orla GT9000 GLX2

It’s difficult to make a comparison with other organs because I can only compare it with the Yamaha EL Range. I had three models over a period of years, the 70, 90 and 900 I also had A Yamaha AR 100 for a few years as well which was very similar in operation to the EL's, and many of the same features so I will stay away from comparisons as much as possible.

First it struck me as more like a keyboard in operation with a multitude of buttons compared to the more conventional organs and will delight any keyboard owner thinking of changing and it does make for ease of access and operation, you can be up and playing this within a few minutes whereas if I had come the first time to a Yamaha EL model a spell with the manual would be required.

There are 6 preset groups, Electronic, Theatre and Classica Organs, Combo, Orchestra and Band each one accessed by a button down the right hand side of the panel each one having 16 styles which are moved into the preset banks at the push of the button in two banks A & B , press a group button and then one of the 16 presets then the start button and you are away, if you don’t like the set rhythm you can change it.

The whole organ operation revolves around this pre set system, there are 16 built in factory presets which cover most of the voices you are most likely to need but you can make up your own and having changed all 16 if necessary save them to a disc to load back at a later time, whatever you put into the presets stays in until you change it, the exceptions are the preset banks already mentioned. If you have selected Theatre organs that group button li and you have the sounds in the presets , but if you press the preset button which is located at the bottom of the row of these group buttons the 16 sounds will revert to what was in the preset bank before .
But you don’t have to use the presets all the time, you can pick voices from the three banks of voices to play and mix directly if you wish, of course to save them you must load them into the preset buttons and then save onto a disk, as the organ will not remember them, but very much a mix and match system.

The idea of the presets system is not far from the 16 memory pistons usually mounted just under the upper keyboard on many organs but compared to the EL’s it’s more involved to operate, I also found the Music Disk recorder / player again lacked some features the Yamahas had

But it does have flute drawbars you can pull and push to get the sound you want and all is controlled by on and off conductor buttons to isolate the banks of voices, it also has a one button set up if you don’t feel like doing it yourself select a style and the organ selects the voices, you can modify this if you wish and even save the new registration into a preset position and then onto a disk. There are extra options of other voices that are available if you press a user button and more styles and even an accordion bank, but all not immediately accessible which is annoying at times.

The best I can do is provide a link for to see Paul Carmen demonstrating one, I moved over to Orla because of the easy way it can be operated .

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ken horton
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