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The Incredible Hulk

PostPosted: 18 Jan 2022 21:54
by TonyD
Hello again.

Here is my version of The Incredible Hulk played on the Tyros 5 before I changed to the Genos.
The style is called AngelSun and can be found on the Genos under EasyListening but the instruments have been changed.
The haunting background strings are found in Multipad = Legacy = Brass & Strings = String Ballad = button No1 and is not to everyone's taste but I like to be different. Anyway I hope you like it.
Take care


Re: The Incredible Hulk

PostPosted: 19 Jan 2022 08:36
by JohnT
Hi Tony. Not familiar with the tune. Liked the opening guitar and into a moody sound. Enjoyed the overall arrangement. John

Re: The Incredible Hulk

PostPosted: 19 Jan 2022 11:12
by Jon D
Hello there Tony,
Not one I know but enjoyed your performance of it well played my friend. :D :D :D

Jon D. :) :) :wink:

Re: The Incredible Hulk

PostPosted: 19 Jan 2022 12:28
by Brian007
Hi Tony

Not one I am familiar with but still a very impressive and enjoyable piece to listen too.


Re: The Incredible Hulk

PostPosted: 19 Jan 2022 19:13
by TonyD
Hello again.

Thank you all for your comments.
This piece of music seems to have stumped everyone, I should had put it under it's real name of "The Lonely Man" which is the the theme music from the film "The Incredible Hulk" and you can listen it on YouTube.
Sorry about that. that was your brain teaser for 2022 ha-ha.

Take care


Re: The Incredible Hulk

PostPosted: 19 Jan 2022 22:31
by Hugh-AR

That was quite a challenging piece to play. You have chosen some great sounds for playing it. Prefer your sound with guitar and saxophone to the original, which is all played on piano.

This is the piece Tony is referring to. 'The Lonely Man' theme was written by the American composer, arranger, pianist and accompanist Joe Harnell (1924-2005) for the TV series 'The Incredible Hulk' (1977-1982).

Incredible Hulk ending theme music (Lonely man).

Click the picture below to watch, then afterwards click the back arrow at the top to get back to this page.

