Setting up/Changing the SPLIT POINT


Setting up/Changing the SPLIT POINT

Postby Hugh-AR » 10 Sep 2020 00:24

The SPLIT POINT is the note selected to split the keyboard into LEFT and RIGHT. Any notes played to the LEFT (including the selected split note) are normally allocated to playing CHORDS with a STYLE. Notes played to the right are for the Melody.

To get to the page to set this up, press the FUNCTION button under MENU on the right.


This is the screen you get.


Press the button next where SPLIT POINT is mentioned, move to the SPLIT POINT tab at the top and you get this:


This screen is showing the Split Point for the STYLE and LEFT as F#2. As I like to play things in G and as I sometimes use the top G in both a G chord and an A7 chord I have moved my Split Point up to include G.


Notice that you can have the STYLE, LEFT and RIGHT Split Points in three different places. As a general rule, keep the STYLE and the LEFT Splits at the same note.
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Re: Setting up/Changing the SPLIT POINT

Postby dentyr » 11 Sep 2020 05:05

If you have your split point set up as in the previous pictures then you will not be able to play the more complex chords. An example of this is the Em7/G where you have an E minor seventh chord with a G base. The G is already in the Em7 chord so Tyros assumes that is what you want; an Em7 chord. Try it with those settings and generally you will get an F6 chord showing.

So, what do you do? Put the split point up to C4 or higher and then you can play that Em7/G. This means you will have to save that chord (or others of the same ilk) to the One Step Record. Or, using the midi recorder on the left side of the keyboard, record the accompaniment for your song, then put the split point back to where it was and play your song with the midi file as the accompaniment. This will now let you play both hands on the kbd if you put the split point right down to the bottom of the kbd. It really depends upon how pedantic you are with having the "correct" chords. To record some of the more complex chords you may have to use both hands, hence putting the split point way up.

Regards, Den.
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Re: Setting up/Changing the SPLIT POINT

Postby Hugh-AR » 11 Sep 2020 17:21


I think you mean G6, not F6.

Thing is .. you are splitting hairs! What gives a chord it's 'identity' is (a) the notes in the chord that make up the harmony of it, and (b) what the 'root' of the chord is. A chord is identified from it's ROOT. Both Em7 and G6 have the following notes in the harmony. E G B D E G ... (include as many more of these notes as you like). What gives the chord it's identity is the note played at the bottom.

Playing a 4-note chord as E G B D (the first 4 notes from the above) my Tyros 4 shows Em7.


That is correct. Those notes forming the harmony have the E as the root of the chord.

Playing a 4-note chord as G B D E (the second 4 notes from the above) my Tyros 4 shows G6.


That is correct. Those notes forming the harmony have the G as the root of the chord.

So what is Em7/G ? E minor seventh with a G bass? That is G6!

Splitting hairs here! The keyboard is right. :wink: :wink:
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Re: Setting up/Changing the SPLIT POINT

Postby Hugh-AR » 22 Oct 2020 20:36

In my post earlier I did say that you can have the STYLE, LEFT and RIGHT Split Points in three different places. In the set-up below, the keyboard has been split up into four distinct areas: STYLE; LEFT; R1 + R2; R3.


Not sure how you would use the keyboard like this as you are restricted to just a few notes in each area.

But to split the keyboard up into STYLE + LEFT; R1 + R2; R3 is a very useful way to have the split points set up, because this means you can have one (or two) Voices set up in the middle section; and a completely different Voice set up in R3.


You can then jump across from one sound to the other as you are playing. Here is a very good example of using this feature.

Una Paloma Blanca

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Re: Setting up/Changing the SPLIT POINT

Postby Hugh-AR » 02 Feb 2021 02:37

There are a few things about the SPLIT POINT that had me really baffled. But I think I have sussed them out now.

1. The first Split Point (and often the only one) is the one for the STYLE and the LEFT HAND VOICE.


This is more often than not put at F#2 for both. But you can also set up a second Split Point higher up and have an R3 voice playing to the right of that to the top of the keyboard .. and R1 and R2 will play together below that, down to the first Split Point.


But if you have not selected a voice for R3, then R1 and R2 run right up to the top of the keyboard.


I had thought that R1 and R2 would only play up to that R3 split point I had set and wouldn't encroach into R3's space.
So that caught me by surprise.

2. After setting up the above so I could jump between two voices as in the video in the previous post (this is something I can do on my AR80 organ by setting the Upper Manual and the Lower Manual with two different voices .. and it's much easier to jump from one sound to the other on an organ than on a keyboard!) I then had a problem when I wanted to have all three voices playing together. Having set up a voice for R3, as soon as I brought it in it would only play to the right of that second split point .. and then only on it's own.
Took a couple of phone calls to discover how to get all three to play together (thanks Jon D).
You move that top R3 Split Point all the way to the left until it is in the same place as the STYLE and LEFT HAND VOICE split point. Then R1, R2 and R3 will all play together.


3. Another problem I had. Having set the Split Point up to now play R1, R2 and R3 together, when I pressed the REGISTRATION MEMORY button to go back to my previous Registration with R3 playing on it's own in the top part of the keyboard, that had been overridden by what I had just done, and R3 was running up/down the whole keyboard with R1 & R2.

And another thing. The example above was a case of trying to save two different Split Points into two different REGISTRATION MEMORY buttons in the one REGISTRATION MEMORY BANK. I know that when you press MEMORY a box comes up asking you which of the many things you want the Registration Memory to save .. and Split Point is not one of them!


And even when I set up an existing REGISTRATION MEMORY BANK for a completely different song I found that the Split Points were set up as I had last had them. This made me think that I would have to re-set the split points for a particular song every time I wanted to play it.

Another chat with people who know about these things, and Jon D asked me what was set up in my PARAMETER LOCK.
Parameter Lock?
This is where you tell the keyboard what things you don't want to find have been changed when you turn your keyboard ON.
So thought I had better check.



Then UTILITY. Press the down-arrow on the left until PARAMETER LOCK is highlighted.


And there it is, plain to see. SPLIT POINT is ticked .. so I'm telling the keyboard, "Whatever I have the SPLIT POINT set at, keep it like that."
Jon said I should 'untick' all those boxes apart from MASTER EQ, so that is what I have done.


It now turns out that my REGISTRATIO MEMORY did SAVE where I had put my Split Points, and when I went back to that Registration I had the Split Points set up as below when pressing one REGISTRATION MEMORY button (so I had my R3 playing in the top section of the keyboard, and R1 and R2 playing together below it):


.. and when I pressed another REGISTRATION MEMORY button I had R1, R2 and R3 all playing together for the whole length of the keyboard down to the STYLE and LEFT HAND VOICE Split Point.


So my REGISTRATION MEMORY does remember where I have set my SPLIT POINTS, even if it's in a different place in two different REGISTRATION MEMORY buttons in the same REGISTRATION BANK.
So long as SPLIT POINT is not ticked in PARAMETER LOCK.
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Re: Setting up/Changing the SPLIT POINT

Postby Hugh-AR » 17 Feb 2023 14:57

Thought I would play something on my Tyros 4 with the keyboard split for R3. It is definitely more difficult to 'jump across' from one voice to another on a keyboard whilst playing a song. With the AR80 organ one voice is directly below the other (one on the Upper manual, the other on the Lower manual), so you're already hovering over the right place for playing extra notes.

Blue Moon

1. This is what I have set up in REGISTRATION MEMORY 1.


Analog Pad is in RIGHT1 and Ambient Piano is in RIGHT2.
The STYLE I have chosen is 6-8Modern, MAIN VARIATION B.
My Split Point is on G2, and R1 and R2 are activated so those two voices play the melody together (quite like that!).

To get to the Split Point page, press MENU, then FUNCTION.


In the next screen , press the Split Point tab.


This is the setup I have.


But also, I want to have that second Split Point at Ab4 so I can jump across with Ambient Piano, which plays a little counter-melody starting on A4.

So HOLD the R on the right and turn the DATA WHEEL until RIGHT3 is showing A4.

Image Image

The Split Point is now in the right place for when I want to use the RIGHT3 Voice. Remember that until I activate R3, R1 and R2 will run right through to the top of the keyboard, as shown in the Split Point diagrams above..

When R3 is activated as well as R1 and R2 the Split Point screen looks like this.


2. This is what I have set up in REGISTRATION MEMORY 2.


RIGHT 2 and RIGHT 3 are activated, so the Split Point screen looks like this.
R1 is not included because I haven't activated RIGHT 1.


PercPad is in RIGHT2.
AmbientPiano is in RIGHT3, and this is activated ready for me to do my 'jump' to the right.
The STYLE is still 6-8Modern, but this time MAIN VARIATION C.

3. REGISTRATION MEMORY 3 is the same as 2, but with NiceSax in R2.


All ready to play Blue Moon now .. and record it .. which for a change I will do using the MIDI RECORDER.

Went OK for a bit, and then .. DISASTER! My R3 AMBIENT PIANO was out of tune! The Ambient Piano in R2 was in 'perfect pitch', but not the one in R3. Some investigation is needed (these things are sent to try us!). Read my next post to find out what I discovered about all this.
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Re: Setting up/Changing the SPLIT POINT

Postby Ron » 17 Feb 2023 20:10

Another set of excellent articles all about using “Split Point”

In my own personal setup, I do not have a split point as such. This is a result of my Twin keyboard setup. I can use the whole of the Tyros keyboard for playing melody over several octaves. My interfaced other keyboard Yamaha Piaggero is used for all left hand work including playing styles etc.

This all makes for easier playing without any constraints IMO

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Re: Setting up/Changing the SPLIT POINT

Postby Hugh-AR » 18 Feb 2023 00:32


Your setup is like playing an organ. Two separate sets of keys with a different Voice on each .. so jump down/up from one to the other.

Back to my 'out of tune' piano in R3.

So you can hear what I heard, click the DEMO of this, below.
Ambient Piano in R2 and 'out of tune' Ambient Piano in R3 (repeated).

So why is the R3 Ambient Piano so 'out of tune'?
First port of call is to check the MIXING CONSOLE settings, so press the MIXING CONSOLE button.


Move the 'tab' at the top across to TUNE. I'm sure you've been here before, as this is where you can change the OCTAVE of a Voice you are using. Anyway, the bottom row is what is highlighted by 'default', and that says TUNING.

Looking across to R3, that is set to +24! No wonder it sounds out of tune!


This is the first time I have used R3 since I got my keyboard, so can only think that the previous owner (my Tyros 4 was not NEW) had a reason to change the Tuning for R3 for some project he was working on.

By using the buttons under the screen I have now moved this number down to zero. And also put the OCTAVE in R3 down 2 notches. Where I am playing those piano notes in R3 is very high, and I wanted my Ambient Piano to sound on a par with the melody I was playing.


And now my Ambient Piano in R3 is 'in tune' again .. same as the one in R2.

Here now is my recording of Blue Moon. You can judge for yourself how well I have done by 'jumping across' to play those few notes. The other way I could have done that was to program the notes into a MULTI PAD and then trigger them when I wanted them. But that involves playing those notes and setting it all up beforehand. At least both of these ways enable you to get those sounds when playing the keyboard 'live'. If I had done it by MULTITRACKING then it would have to have been done 'after the event of recording it', so OK for an MP3 or CD track .. but you wouldn't hear it 'live'.

Blue Moon

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Re: Setting up/Changing the SPLIT POINT

Postby Ron » 20 Feb 2023 16:21


Heard the out of tune part straight away. Funnily enough I would suspect there are some who might not even notice.

Wonder if the previous owner played “ Indian” music which always sounds out of tune when I hear it. Cannot see the need for a tune control as under normal circumstances, one would assume the keyboard to be in constant concert pitch.

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Re: Setting up/Changing the SPLIT POINT

Postby Ron » 20 Feb 2023 16:23

Yes Hugh, I suppose it is like playing a 2 manual organ. I find it is more restful for my left arm at a lower level for playing.

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Re: Setting up/Changing the SPLIT POINT

Postby Hugh-AR » 28 Apr 2023 22:40

Here's another song where I have 'jumped across' an R3 SPLIT POINT.

I Love You Because. Not quite the chords on any of the sheets of music I have. I have played it in C and have put in a D7 chord before the G7 in the Verse. Have used four STYLES; and made two SPLIT POINTS so I can play an R3 as a 'counter melody'. The R3 VOICES I have chosen are Ambient Piano and Whistle.

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