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Finding Voices and Styles on your keyboard

PostPosted: 25 Aug 2022 10:32
by dentyr
Finding Voices and Styles

Yamaha have all their VOICES and STYLES listed in THEIR numeric order. Great if you know the numbers but generally you only know the NAME of the voice or style that you want. OK, Simple solution for T4, T3 and Genos.

On your hard drive (HD1) make folders named the same as the VOICE buttons on the right of the panel. (Piano, Guitar etc). Now copy all the voices from each of the panel buttons to your new folders. They will now show in ALPHABETICAL order.

Do the same for the STYLES. It is so easy to find Gypsy Jazz Swing in the STYLE folder even though it is not in the Swing and Jazz section.
I did put ALL the STYLES into one folder but that was too big for my hard drive so I had to split it. Now I have three folders of STYLES .. Numbers, A-N and O-Z. That should be fine.

PS: Still can’t find what I am looking for. :?
