Basics in setting up a Registration for a song


Basics in setting up a Registration for a song

Postby Hugh-AR » 05 Apr 2021 10:45

Basics in setting up a Registration for a song

When setting up a Registration for a song you need a base to start from. One way to get a base is to use the Music Finder and see if there's a song in there you know. Pressing the Music Finder button and scrolling down a bit I find Beautiful Dreamer, which when highlighted sets the keyboard up with a STYLE and VOICE to play the tune.


I have chosen the one called GuitarSerenade. The one marked (SONG) just 'plays' it for you .. doesn't set the keyboard up.

To get the MAIN screen up showing me all the setup I have to press the EXIT on the keyboard itself.


This is what I see on the MAIN screen:


Looking at the PART ON/OFF section on the right, only one light is lit up, and that is RIGHT1, so only the voice ConcertGuitar is selected.


The STYLE set up is GuitarSerenade.

Now a STYLE is made up of 'PARTS' that blend together to make the backing you hear.

The PARTS are called: RHYTHM 1, RHYTHM 2, BASS, CHORD 1, CHORD 2, PAD, PHRASE 1, and PHRASE 2.

To get these PARTS showing in the MAIN screen you press the button on the keyboard marked CHANNEL ON/OFF.


You will now get the below, with the PARTS showing at the bottom of the screen.


Note that all the PARTS are ON. I play a chord. An INTRO plays; and then the STYLE plays. I am not going to play a melody with it .. just listen to the STYLE backing. Sounds OK, but there is one sound I don't want. A string sound. Don't want that to be sounding in the 'mix'. I'll explain why later. So I will turn it OFF.

Those PARTS can each be turned ON/OFF by pressing the bottom button under the screen corresponding to the PART displayed.
The guilty PART is PAD, so I turn that to OFF under the screen.


Having turned PAD to OFF, I now press MEMORY (you don't have to hold it down) in the REGISTRATION MEMORY section, and press the 1 to store it in that first Registration Memory.


Note: This setup (without the PAD) is the sound I want to start playing my song with, so this is what goes into REGISTRATION MEMORY 1.

Now, I have noticed that the LEFT voice is AccompOoh. I like a left voice, so I turn that ON in the PART ON/OFF so the button is lit up. I have also turned the LEFT HOLD to ON.


It is worth mentioning at this point that you have to be a bit of a sound engineer when playing your keyboard as it is important to get the right BALANCE between the STYLE and VOICES you are using. Is that LEFT VOICE too overpowering and drowning everything else out? Is that VIBRAPHONE so quiet that you can hardly hear it? You need to get access to the VOLUME sliders so you can adjust them.

This time you press the button marked BALANCE (see below):


And you will get back to the MAIN screen you had originally with the sliders showing.


By pressing the corresponding buttons or sliders under the screen, adjust the volumes to where you want them. I found that for me, having the STYLE at 100; the LEFT VOICE at 50; and RIGHT 1 at 120 was about right (yes, I did put that Vibraphone 'up' a tad). Of course I was only using these three to play this piece so didn't need to adjust any of the other volumes. See the below.


Next, I press the MEMORY again and press the 2 to store it in the second Registration Memory. The reason why I said earlier that I didn't want to hear the STRINGS from PAD in the STYLE is because I didn't want any 'continuous sound' when I started playing the song .. and when I introduce the LEFT voice by pressing Registration Memory 2 I wanted the change to be dramatic. And definitely didn't want the strings to be sounding as well as my AccompOoh.

I then pressed REGISTRATION MEMORY 1 to check what volumes I had set up in there. The vibraphone was at 100, so I upped that to 120; then pressed MEMORY, followed by MEMORY 1 again to store my changes back into Memory 1.

I now have a DEMO for you to listen to, so click the LINK below to play it. The first part is the STYLE with the 'string' sound. The second is with the string sound (PAD) turned OFF (how much quieter that is!). And the third is bringing in the LEFT voice.

Do a right-click to open this up in a New Tab
DEMO of STYLE Accompaniment

And below is another DEMO, this time playing the melody as well. You get the INTRO, followed by a verse with the STRINGS in PAD; followed by a verse without the strings in Pad (that sounds much better!); followed by the Chorus with my LEFT VOICE. Just what I wanted to hear!

Do a right-click to open this up in a New Tab
DEMO of STYLE Accompaniment with the Melody

When you set up a REGISTRATION BANK for the song you want to play you should immediately SAVE it .. or you're likely to lose it!

So I then pressed the button next to REGIST (button J); pressed the button under the screen corresponding to SAVE; pressed and held down the DELETE (which deletes the NAME, not the song); typed in my own name using Upper and Lower Case (eg. BeautifulDreamer); and then pressed the OK. This saves it in USER for me to retrieve later.

Lastly, below is the whole song again as I played and recorded it.

Do a right-click to open this up in a New Tab
Beautiful Dreamer played from the REGISTRATION MEMORY
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Re: Basics in setting up a Registration for a song

Postby Hugh-AR » 11 Apr 2021 19:22

I'm sure you will have realised that when I pressed MEMORY and put what I was working on into Registration Memories 1 & 2, I already had a Registration Bank in there, so doing the above 'overrode' what had previously been in Registration Memories 1 & 2. So my REGISTRATION BANK which I have named Beautiful Dreamer and SAVED has a mixture of Registration Memories I use for this song in 1 & 2, and those for another song (don't know which!) in 3, 4 & 5 etc. I would rather only have Registration Memories 1 & 2 in this Registration Bank, and have the others greyed out.

This is how to do it.

Press the left and right buttons in REGIST BANK together, at the same time ..


.. and your USER section for Registration Banks will show on the screen. Select eg. Beautiful Dreamer by pressing the button next to it (if the Registration Memory Bank you want is currently loaded in, then it will already be highlighted). Look at the options at the bottom of the screen, The one we are looking for is EDIT.


Press the button under the screen corresponding to EDIT (the bottom button on the Tyros 4) and what will then be showing on the screen are all the individual Memory Slots in the Memory Bank. In my Beautiful Dreamer one I ended up with six .. but if you remember, I only was using 1 & 2. And I want to keep those! So highlight the first one you don't want by pressing the button next to it .. in my case the 3.


Now, just think for a moment. You could DELETE each one, one at a time .. but I prefer to DELETE all the ones I don't want to keep at the same time. Having pressed the first one you want to delete, you then press the button under the screen corresponding to DELETE .. and you get this screen.


Read what it says at the bottom .. DELETE Select Files and/or folders to be deleted. So go ahead and do that. Press the buttons next to eg. 4, 5 and 6 etc. .. just make sure you don't highlight the ones you want to keep .. in my case 1 & 2. If you do accidentally highlight one of the ones you want to keep, press that button again .. and it will 'unselect' it.

This is what you will now see on the screen.


Press the OK and you will be asked to confirm what you want to do.


To delete all the ones we have highlighted, click the button next to YES ALL.

This is the screen you will now see.


Hooray! My Registration Memory Bank for Beautiful Dreamer now just has my two Registration Memory slots in it.

But we haven't finished yet! We now have to SAVE the Registration Bank we have done.
Press the button underneath the screen corresponding to UP, and you will see this.


Now this really is where you have to keep your head. What do you think you are seeing? Your NEW Registration Bank for Beautiful Dreamer? Noooo!! This is the OLD one you are looking at. The NEW one is sitting in the REGISTRATION MEMORY .. waiting.

Press the button under the screen corresponding to SAVE (you've done something like this before!). This is what you see (you've seen something like this before!).


The NAME "Beautiful Dreamer" is showing in the screen .. but this time you don't hold down the DELETE button (which would delete the name). You want to KEEP the name. And you don't type anything in either. Just press the OK.


It's telling us, "The name Beautiful Dreamer already exists. Do you want to overwrite it?"
Now we are getting somewhere! Yes, it's the old one with 6 Memory Slots that already exists, and we want to overwrite it with the new one with two Memory Slots.

Click YES.

This next screen tells you it is replacing the old Beautiful Dreamer Bank with the new Beautiful Dreamer Bank.


When it has finished, the Beautiful Dreamer Registration Bank showing in USER will be the new one with only the two Memory slots.

I tell you, playing an Arranger Keyboard is not for the faint hearted! You have to be a technical whizz as well as a player and a musician.

To be continued ...
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