Digital sheet music to read from rather than 'paper' music.

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Digital sheet music to read from rather than 'paper' music.

Postby Ron » 10 Dec 2022 21:48

Digital sheet music to read from rather than the 'paper' version.

I don't know how many members on the TDP Forum use music for playing, but I have found that my setup really simplifies using music for playing on the Tyros.

I use my iPad almost exclusively for displaying printed music sheets unless I happen to have a book containing the tune(s) I want to play. On my iPad I have an app called Deep Dish Gigbook which I purchased more than 10 years ago and which cost then $9.99.


The music is stored alphabetically and can be distributed amongst different folders if desired.


I use this in conjunction with another USA product called Airturn. It is a small Bluetooth 2 pedal unit which enables you to turn pages of tunes stored in Gigbook. It will also turn a page backwards as well.


These days I source a lot of music from Musescore online. I display this then take screen shots of the music score as a jpg. This is then converted to a pdf using a free online app ..


This pdf is then loaded into Dropbox from where Gigbook will import it into its folders.


No need for paper music anymore. I should add that I also have an iPad holder for easy reading of the screen.


This might seem too daunting a task for the occasional music reading member of the forum to even entertain going down this route. However, to someone like myself, who is a 100% reader, it makes life much easier.

I hope all this will be an interesting insight into what goes on behind the scenes here in Scotland.

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Re: Digital sheet music to read from rather than 'paper' mus

Postby Hugh-AR » 10 Dec 2022 22:54

There is a FREE program that you can download to your Windows computer for converting JPG files into PDF. You can put in a single sheet .. or put in multiple JPGs and convert to one PDF. The PDFs are sized to A4, which is useful if your JPG file is not A4.

This is a program created by Jørgen (joso) and available on The Unofficial YAMAHA Keyboard Resource Site.
Do a right-click to open this up in a New Tab.

The program is called Image to PDF and this is what Jørgen says about it:

    Supported image file formats are:
    • bmp: Windows or OS/2 Bitmap
    • gif: CompuServe Graphics Interchange
    • jpg / jpeg: JPEG - JFIF Compliant
    • png: Portable Network Graphics
    • tif / tiff: Tagged Image File Format
    • wmf: Windows Meta File

To find the programs Jørgen has created to do with reading music sheets digitally, click this LINK below:
Do a right-click to open this up in a New Tab.

Scroll down a bit until you see these programs:


.. and click on the Image to PDF one to download it.

Ron .. This is for Windows computers only and wouldn't work for your iPad ... so stick to your online converter.

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Re: Digital sheet music to read from rather than 'paper' mus

Postby MichaelC » 11 Dec 2022 09:58

Rather like Ron, I now use digital music almost exclusively.

I'm windows based and use Michael Zuber's Mobilesheets Pro (MSP), which at around £15 is an incredibly capable program. I've either scanned my music to A4 pdfs or found new material on the internet, or use Musescore to write or arrange songs. I've currently got arong 1800 songs in my system.

MSP holds all the pdfs in its database together with any Musescore or audio files that I manually add. I can very quickly find any song and display that on a 21" touchscreen monitor connected to my Surface 4 laptop. I also use the midi input on my Korg PA700 arranger keyboard together with three footpedals so that I can automatically select registrations when I change songs, turn pages etc. The large monitor means that I can display two portrait A4 pages side by side.

As an aside, if I'm playing a woodwind instrument, I simply use the Surface laptop mounted on a music stand in portrait orientaion which gives me a single A4 page.

Gone are the music bags, just a laptop, oh and an extra power tank!

Hope this is of interest to anyone about to make the transition to digital!

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Re: Digital sheet music to read from rather than 'paper' mus

Postby JohnT » 11 Dec 2022 10:42

Hi Everyone. I use mobile sheets. Starting to get rid of music. One of our members has set his Genos up with this and registrations and it is easy to click on a tune and registration is there. I think the programme will soon be available for the Tyros. Fingers crossed. John
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Re: Digital sheet music to read from rather than 'paper' mus

Postby KenH » 11 Dec 2022 11:02

An interesting topic...

As a constant user of 'dots' and with an inbuilt inability to turn pages (always half a bar behind when I turn by hand!) my wife bought me a Music Pad for my 70th birthday. It cost over £500!!! Unfortunately, not long after, the company (in San Francisco) gave up trading and shortly after that so did the 'pad'!
That is the Music Pad in my avatar...
It was then that I discovered Power Music ..

.. which is now available for just £10. Coupled with a 23" touch-screen PC that sits on my CVP, a Page-Flip pedal to turn pages and an auxiliary pedal for changing registrations I am completely 'hands free' to concentrate on hitting all the notes (hopefully in the right order) without missing that odd half-bar!

So easy to use and such a boon to a mere mortal who just has to have the dots :roll: .
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Re: Digital sheet music to read from rather than 'paper' mus

Postby Fred » 11 Dec 2022 11:35

Ron wrote:Digital sheet music to read from rather than the 'paper' version.

These days I source a lot of music from Musescore online. I display this then take screen shots of the music score as a jpg. This is then converted to a pdf using a free online app. This pdf is then loaded into Dropbox from where Gigbook will import it into its folders.

This might seem too daunting a task for the occasional music reading member of the forum to even entertain going down this route. However, to someone like myself, who is a 100% reader, it makes life much easier.


Hi Ron

Why do you take screen shots of the music in MuseScore when you can simply save it as a PDF then you will accomplish things far quicker and without the hassle.

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Re: Digital sheet music to read from rather than 'paper' mus

Postby Ron » 12 Dec 2022 14:18


This goes back to my years of exceedingly slow broadband 1.4 Mbps which made downloading sometimes impossible. I now have 300 Mbps but still stick to my original plan. It is very simple to do.

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Re: Digital sheet music to read from rather than 'paper' mus

Postby dentyr » 26 Jan 2023 04:25

I have saved all the music that I want to play to date as PDF files. Then I plug my Lenovo tablet into my computer and transfer the lot to the SD card. New songs get put into the alphabetical order. Just touch the screen and the music is there. Couple this with the registrations I want on my T4 or my SX700 and I am ready to play. For a particular gig I sort out the songs that I want to play on the kbd, number the registration in the order I want t play them, set them into the User Memory (or hard drive) and then use the + button to step through the regs.


Playing using the tablet.
Keyboards: Yamaha Tyros 4, PSR SX700, PSR S970and StagePa300
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