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Playing chords near middle C

PostPosted: 03 Nov 2021 23:40
by barwonfan
I have been interested in reading the posts called "Why can't I read music" and I looked back through the posts and discovered that Papadeedee mentioned in his post (16 Sept 2017) that chords sound best when played around middle C. I suspect that he might be right, because I think that when I play some of the left hand chords way down on the left hand side of on my PSR 970 they sound very soft. I assume Papadeedee is referring to chords played with his left hand.

Re: Playing chords near middle C

PostPosted: 04 Nov 2021 18:28
by Hugh-AR

Papadeedee was indeed referring to chords played with his left hand .. but he wasn't referring to chords played with STYLES. Papadeedee didn't play a keyboard .. he played an organ .. and he didn't use STYLES. So what he was referring to was the sound you got from the actual notes he played. Play them too low and they sort of 'growl' and you cannot hear the harmony produced by the chord.

As far as keyboards are concerned, it makes no difference where you play your chord if you are just using STYLES. It only makes a difference when you allocate a LEFT HAND VOICE to the left of the split, because then you do hear the actual notes of the chord being played.


Re: Playing chords near middle C

PostPosted: 04 Nov 2021 23:16
by barwonfan
Thanks, Hugh. I will check out split point settings. I had not thought of that being a factor. It seems the placement of split point settings can be critical when making or altering a style. I have recently stopped using quite a few styles which I had collected from the internet, which I think are mundane. But then, in fairness to the maker of the style, I should hasten to say that in the hands of another player they may be terrific.