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Postby Tomhip » 22 Nov 2018 13:06

Hi folks,
I’ve just recently purchased a Ringway/Orla rs1000 and have found that when you delve into the menus it is as good as any keyboard I have owned, I find the voicing is of high quality but the rhythm and backing tracks I found a little lacking, that is until I switched on a button called auto chord and what a difference that makes if you want to play keyboard style, there is also a menu to alter these backing tracks to ones liking, lovely organ voices no physical draw bars but drawbars can be added and adjusted we have pedals (though a little clicky) but if you can ignore that it’s the best of both worlds.
No I’m not a salesman just giving my honest opinion it maybe will help someone who’s considering the Ringway especially with regard to value and pricing
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Re: Ringway

Postby Brian007 » 22 Nov 2018 13:32

Hi Tom,

Thanks for the info, I must admit that it's not something I would have thought about buying to use as a Keyboard and would have dismissed it out of hand as just an organ, but this is handy to know,

A friend of mine has a Bohm organ and it is as good if not better than any arranger I have heard , as it can play Yamaha styles too.

Just goes to show don't judge a book by its cover

All the best, Brian007
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Re: Ringway

Postby Hugh-AR » 22 Nov 2018 20:32

Hi Tom,

I too have an organ (the Yamaha AR80) which I play 'keyboard style'.

The advantages of having an organ to play 'keyboard style' are:

(a) you can allocate several different 'voices' to the area where you are playing your chords eg. a percussive sound, like a piano; and/or a continuous sound like strings, horn or choir;

(b) you can use either the 'automatic bass', or play the pedals yourself (very useful when you have a slow 'walk down' of bass notes as in eg. Whiter Shade Of Pale);

(c) you have two 'voices' instantly available for playing the melody, one on the Upper Manual and another on the Lower (to the right of the split) so you can 'jump' from one sound to the other; and

(d) you can play notes on the Upper Manual and notes on the Lower at the same time .. with a bit of practice!

All this gives you loads of options when playing your music.

An example of (c) is the clip below, where I have a guitar sound on the Upper, and Brass to the right of the split on the Lower. You can hear how I 'jump' from one sound to the other. Don't know how you could do that 'live' on a keyboard. And of course you couldn't possibly do (d) on a keyboard!

Rebel Rouser DEMO (played 'keyboard style' on an organ)
Press the 'back button' of your browser after you have listened to the DEMO

And of course you can just 'play the organ as an organ' and not use any Styles.

There are three Members who I know have a Ringway RS1000 ... Gillian, Ken Horton and ChuckH.

It's all about the music ♫ ♪ ♫ Organ: Yamaha AR80 & Keyboard: Tyros 4
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Re: Ringway

Postby Tomhip » 22 Nov 2018 22:00

Hello Hugh,
Thanks for your response and I do not disagree with any of it, in fact the organ has given me more incentive to play because as you have stated the options are open, keyboard or organ! and automatics if you want them can’t be bad eh!
Thanks for your mention of ringway owners I have already been in contact with Ken.
Kind regards
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Re: Ringway

Postby Tomhip » 22 Nov 2018 22:03

Forgot to mention Hugh I listened to the demo link you posted and yes very versatile
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Re: Ringway

Postby Hugh-AR » 23 Nov 2018 11:06

Hi Tom,

Charles (ChuckH) is more of a 'classical' player so he doesn't often use Styles (if ever). He hasn't had his Ringway RS1000E for very long. He lives in Australia and had the organ delivered to Melbourne, where he lived .. but then he moved to Perth and didn't even try the organ out as it was easier for him to transport it to Perth with it still wrapped. You can read a bit about him in Introductions.


Like any new organ, Charles has had to get his head round it. Every organ behaves differently, and Charles did make a few recordings, which I listened to. But then he did them again with the comment:
The reason I redid the tracks was that the Ringway sets the touch sensitivity to maximum as the default. This has the effect of making a recording sound like I am ‘pumping’ the expression pedal which I have tried hard not to get in the habit of doing. Once I set that to the mid position, I found the results were much better and the sound a bit gentler. I am far too heavy handed to play with max touch sensitivity having grown up with a German upright piano that really needed to be pounded to play it.

Click the LINK below for the first of those new recordings .. and he has more to come. This one is in Classical Corner.

Do a right-click to open this up in a New Tab

It's all about the music ♫ ♪ ♫ Organ: Yamaha AR80 & Keyboard: Tyros 4
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Re: Ringway

Postby Tomhip » 23 Nov 2018 13:02

Thanks Hugh for the information I will get in touch with Charles ( chuck) I’m also very fond of classical music but not good at reading bass and left hand so I rely much on music that has written chord symbols as in most keyboard music books
Again my thanks to you
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