Instumental Performances Volume Levels

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Instumental Performances Volume Levels

Postby TerryR » 05 Jul 2018 15:38

Hi all

I have noticed that the volume level of Instrumental performances seem to be lower than they were a couple of weeks ago? Listening to John T Bye Bye Love I had to increase the volume level of my Logitech computer amplifier about three quarter turn, which is a lot more than usual, but when listening to Hugh's You Tube Everly Brothers version, well it was so loud it's a wonder I didn't damage my hearing. I have also listened to other members contributions and the volume levels are the same as my above experience.
Hopefully the problem is at my end. If not, I hope to prevent ear damage for others.

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Re: Instumental Performances Volume Levels

Postby Brian007 » 05 Jul 2018 15:57

Hi Terry,

I would not have thought the problem is at your end, as the volume of individual recordings from member to member can vary a lot depending upon how it was recorded, some people may choose to use compression or a limiter in the recording process and this can vary the output volume a lot, just like the music can seem louder on TV programs and commercials as opposed to the normal speech level,

All the best, Brian007
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Re: Instumental Performances Volume Levels

Postby Hugh-AR » 05 Jul 2018 17:16

Hi Terry,

I think you know that as a youngster I always wanted to be a 'Sound Engineer', and applied to both EMI and the BBC for an apprenticeship course. Neither would have me as I was an 'overseas student' and they had already filled their quota from abroad.

Do you remember doing recording in the 'old days'? Not only did you have to 'balance' the inputs from the various sources, but you had to have the overall recording Volume just right. If you had it too loud, then the loud bits in the recording would go into the red, which causes distortion. If it was too low, then the whole recording would be too quiet. The number of times I have done a recording at what I thought was a reasonable volume only to find there was a VERY LOUD chord at the end which was all distorted. So I had to turn the overall volume down a bit and do the whole recording again.

But these days, with digital recordings, the secret is to under record and then use a clever little Effect called Normalize. This will 'up' the recording levels 'in proportion' to just under the 'clip off' point (the distortion point). You will know that when we record the AR to floppy disk (yes folks, that's what we have to do .. our technology in this respect is that old) they say to have the 'Master Volume' up to about 2 o'clock, and the expression pedal operating between half way down to right on the floor. This will give the optimum recording level for the floppy disk.

I have downloaded John T's Bye Bye Love and put it into Audacity (a FREE TO USE recording program). Below is the resultant waveform:


This is what you are listening to, and you can see that, for whatever reason, John T's recording levels are far too low. So I have Downloaded John T's MP3 file from Box, put it in Audacity and done a Normalize. This what the waveform looks like now.


That's better!

If you click on the below, the first Box file is John T's original recording:

Do a right-click to open this up in a New Tab

.. and this second one is the recording after I have 'Normalized' it (which I have stored in my own Box account).

Do a right-click to open this up in a New Tab

The second will be more like the volume of the YouTube clip, as YouTube clips are normally set up with volumes at optimal levels (but not always!).

Terry .. you can see from this that it is not your equipment that is doing something strange. My advice would be (in any situation) .. ifyou have to turn the volume UP to hear something properly, turn the volume down again once you have listened to it.

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Re: Instumental Performances Volume Levels

Postby TerryR » 05 Jul 2018 20:25

Hi Brian007 and Hugh

Many thanks. I agree with your views. Recording levels can be at any level, preferably not to distortion levels, and yes I should remember to reduce the volume before exposing my ears to further damage. Both very good points. I have played back both ( box) recordings several times; the un-normalised and normalised, but alas I can't hear any difference?

OK, I'll check it out and come back to you later.

Thanks again

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Re: Instumental Performances Volume Levels

Postby Hugh-AR » 06 Jul 2018 09:44


I am just wondering here. Maybe it isn't either the MP3 recording or your amplification equipment that's causing the problem here. Do you wear hearing aids?

At one time I had completely 'in the ear' hearing aids (ie. everything I heard came from the microphones on the hearing aids). I was having trouble with my AR organ. I was playing 'Feed The Birds' and wanted the ending, with full Cathedral Organ, to come out really loud. But no matter how far I pushed the expression pedal down on the floor I could not get the organ any louder. So I called the organ engineer up to see why the organ was not responding to increases in volume when using the expression pedal.

"Sounds all right to me", he said. It took an age for us both to realise that it was my hearing aids that were causing the problem. Unknown to me, they had an 'automatic' volume control so that when people were talking too quietly the aids would turn the volume up. And when noises were too loud they would turn the volume down. So that was why everything I was listening to was a bit 'flat' and dull (I mean 'flat' in expression, not in pitch). We both had a good laugh . And he didn't charge me anything for coming up. There are people like that!

Here is the piece I am talking about:

That's why I asked if you wore hearing aids.

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Re: Instumental Performances Volume Levels

Postby TerryR » 06 Jul 2018 16:01

Hi Hugh / Brian007

Yes I have got hearing aids, which are quite basic NHS issue. They sit behind and on top of the ear with a little flexible pipe and perforated nosil sitting in the ear canal.
I understand the problem you were getting with your clever aids. No, I'm not getting those problems. Though I do like your rendition of Feed the Birds and I have no problems listening to it (with my hearing aids in place).
I have checked out my PCs external amplifier system and all is fine. I have compared the volume levels of other members Instumental performances and yes they have varying volume levels, but most at a low level. It's quite odd that my Amp Volume control has remained about one quarter of a turn from the silent stop, but now it needs to be a good half way round. Listening to any MP3 on AR Group my volume level is as normal a quarter turn.

Many thanks for your inputs and suggestions. I have learnt some usefull tips.

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